Yesterday, Diana Nabatanzi was turning a year older. For all the things she has been through, she felt it wise to send herself a letter as a consolation. Diana wrote a touching letter on her social media as she wished herself a beautiful new age
Considering the new age as a new chapter away from all her ex hubbies like Lwasa as well as all her haters like Zahara Toto, she took the chance to congratulate herself upon being strong enough to endure every stone that was hurled her way and rising above all the muck she was sinking into.
Diana Nabatanzi thanked all the people who accepted her the way she is and those that looked up to her. Mentioning that she knew she was an imperfect human being, it was great to have people who believed in her.
Today I start another chapter of my life. I forgive myself because I deserve peace. I love the woman I’ve become, with all the flaws, imperfections & no regrets for being human. I still choose to celebrate myself for being who iam, for understanding me better, finding myself & choosing me first. Its been a trying time with all the storm that has natured apart of my life. I wont be trapped in the darkness of shattered minds & today i leave the shadows of the past in the past." the letter stated.
She mentioned that she is imperfect and accepts that she needs to work on herself. She went ahead to mention that being human, she could never avoid some mistakes but then it is time to turn a new chapter in her life and enjoy every single moment of it.
"To the ones I inspire, just accept me the way iam, because this is who iam. Thank you for loving me, believing in me & supporting my carrier. Am welcoming my new age with pride & starting another journey of my life called “acceptance” its a walk of choice, lets walk together with love, because it’s the only way to start all over again." She concluded.