In a puzzling turn of events, authorities are grappling with the enigma surrounding the shooting incident involving Pastor Aloysius Bugingo and his driver-cum-bodyguard, Richard Muhumuza. Police, after scrutinizing the bullet casings collected from the crime scene, assert that a pistol was the weapon of choice in the attack that unfolded along Buwalakata road, Namungoona, in Lubaga Division, on Tuesday.
Tragically, Muhumuza, a 45-year-old highly trained body-to-body secret service guard from Sembabule district, succumbed to the attack, leaving behind three children. The assailants, riding on a motorcycle, targeted the duo in what appears to be a carefully orchestrated assassination attempt.
The mystery deepens as police pathologists discovered more than 10 bullet wounds on Muhumuza's body. This raises questions about how Bugingo not only survived the onslaught but managed to drive the targeted car from the crime scene to Mulago Hospital.
The vehicle in question, bearing the personalized number plate "PRAIZ GOD," is currently parked at the Directorate of Forensic Science (DFS) at Naguru. Remarkably, it joins the league of vehicles associated with high-profile assassinations, including those of former police spokesperson Andrew Felix Kaweesi, Buyende district police commander Muhammad Kirumira, Sheikh Maj Muhammad Kiggundu, and Bukwo chief administrative officer Charles Ogwang.
Five ballistic and forensic experts are diligently examining Bugingo's vehicle to ascertain shooting angles. Bullet cartridges from the crime scene, those found inside the car, and the bullets lodged in Muhumuza's body will undergo thorough analysis. This examination aims to establish vehicle and body penetration angles and range, providing crucial insights into the assailants' positions and shooting techniques.
Unlike previous high-profile assassinations where vehicles were riddled with bullets, Bugingo's vehicle was not extensively damaged. Notably, the assailants did not target the tires, a departure from the modus operandi witnessed in other cases. This deviation raises further questions about the motives and execution of the attack.
Detectives have already taken Bugingo's initial statement, considering him a key witness in the ongoing investigation. A second interaction is anticipated later this week, with the possibility of recording multiple statements from the pastor. Meanwhile, authorities are banking on CCTV footage to unravel whether Bugingo was being trailed or if the attackers lay in wait at the scene. The incident continues to baffle investigators, leaving more questions than answers in the wake of this perplexing shooting.