Renown media personality Jacob Omutuzze has also jumped in the bandwagon of choosing a side regarding the Sheebah and Cindy Sanyu saga. We all have come to know Jacob for being straightforward. He is not one who believes in holding back his opinions, especially when it comes to artists with whom he disagrees concerning music.
Jacob once again chose violence when he woke up and called Sheebah stupid. It seems like Sheebah Karungi is now one of the many artistes who have faced his criticism regarding her upcoming battle with Cindy Sanyu.
Expressing his views on the upcoming battle between Sheebah and Cindy, Omutuzze didn’t bother to sugarcoat his words, as he branded Sheebah as "just stupid" . Jacob went ahead and asserted that she could never beat Cindy Sanyu in the field of music.
He made these very clear and expressive comments during an interview with a local YouTuber. He even made no effort to try and shy away from expressing his all too sincere thoughts on the matter.
It is undeniable that as the battle of concerts between Sheebah and Cindy approaches, Jacob’s remarks add another layer of tension and drama to the already highly-anticipated event. Netizens are in anticipation, every passing day regarding which other artists or celebrity is going to come out and pick a side.