Baganda and the general public domain is delighted upon the revelation of new princesses in their Kingdom!
The news of about these unknown children, who we learnt are twins was dropped by the Nnabagereka of Buganda - Her Royal Highness Sylvia Nagginda in her soon to be released autobiography Titled "The Nnabagereka Of Buganda Queen Sylvia Nagginda Luswata".
In the book, the Queen reveals that she was blessed with a set of twins on December 6, 2010.
On Page 205 of the autobiography, Nagginda writes, “On December 6, 2010, I was blessed with two more girls Jade Nakato and Jasmine Babirye born in Kampala… They’re two amazing kids who are mostly happy and are passionate about people which, at their age, I find astounding…”
In the book, she mentions about them together with their elder sister, Princess Katrinah Ssangalyambogo. The development has been a top secret for over a decade.
The book which will be officially released on March 23, 2023 is already trending online with many making advance bookings. It is a tale of of the life of of the Nnabagereka from birth, to her Royal marriage with the Kabaka to her Royal duties among other elements.
With the pair joining the already known children of the Kabaka, it brings their total number to 7.
They join Princesses Katrina Ssangalyambogo, Victoria Nkinzi, Joan Nassolo and Princes Jjunju Kiweewa and Richard Ssemakokiro.
Kabaka Mutebi and Nnabagereka Sylvia Nagginda got married in a massive wedding on August 27, 1999.