Well, it is quite unbelievable that musicians Sheebah Karungi and Nina Roz were once the best of friends. The pair however experienced a fall out and a time came when they were no longer seen hanging out together and being lovey dovey with each other. Lately, there was an allegation suggesting that singer Nina Roz and Sheebah Karungi are lesbians and have always chewed each other until their break up to a point of not seeing each other eye to eye at the moment.
The rumor alleged that Sheebah was the husband of Nina Roz. However, during an interview with Mr. Henrie, the Black Market records singer cleared the air revealing exactly what happened between them. Nina clarified that she is not even a lesbian and she is very straight.
According to Nina Roz, her life started with Sheebah Karungi. She had a struggle with life, went to Dubai for Kyeyo so that she can earn a living but things failed not until she met the “best friend who transformed her life.
Nina Roz revealed that up to date she still treasures the friendship she once shared with her fellow diva however much they no longer see eye to eye because she gave her the life she is living now. Nina further revealed that she’s straight and she has never fed her sumbie to any fellow woman, neither to her then bestie Sheebah.
“I am straight, so I don’t sleep with a fellow woman, not even Sheebah who was my close pal,” Nina Roz said.
Nina Roz further stressed that she learned to ignore the negativity in her life and that no matter how she faces it she knows one day she will overcome it. She mentioned that she never judges anyone just because they judge her and all she does is stay far from any form of negativity.
“To my understanding, I can never know why people be who they are, I just let them be who they are and I just find myself how I can get out of every negativity because I cannot control it, I cannot tell why. I cannot judge my friend, I cannot judge tabloids we all have reasons why we are who we are so I just let it flow.”- she said.
Nina did not disclose the reason why she and Sheebah no longer meet eye to eye however.