The bitter war between the two ex lovers, Nina Roz and Daddy Andre seems to be escalating every single day. From the car theft and change of registration papers from Nina Roz's name to Daddy Andre all the way to court and law suits (what a bomb!)
Nina Roz during an interview denied all the claims of ever recieving any documents from court claiming that she needs to pay for the songs she sang and produced together with Daddy Andre which means Daddy Andre did not file any law suit as he passed the information over on the internet.
As she mentioned that she did not get any information from him, she also made it crystal clear that she will never stop performing the songs where she took part in performing because it is her voice and her talent that contributed to the existence of these songs, contrary to what Daddy Andre directed earlier, mentioning that she should not sing the songs before paying him off for them.
Daddy Andre demanded for a sum of 120Million Uganda Shillings, mentioning that this was for song writing as well as producing the songs entitled Andelle, Billboard Kipande, Enyonta and Nangana. All these songs in question were sung by the two as they were still lovebirds.
"It’s my voice and talent that helped produce the work. Only God can stop me from performing the songs,” she said.