For fans who feel entitled to the way different celebrities dress up, here is a tip for you from Sheebah. Queen Shee says if someone reaches your standard, appreciate them, give them flowers if possible and stop complaining about those who don't reach your standards.
Sheebah Karungi alias Queen Karma took to her social media in a bid to promote her new song titled "Ayi" with Mudra and in her video, she was twerking while feeling the vibe of the song. In her caption, she made it clear that for those who were fasting, they should not tamper with the video until the fasting period was over, making it clear that this content was not for them.
Abasiibye kano mukaleke paka wemunasibulukuka, Please. Bansonyiwe naye omulimu guyina okweyongelayo. Thank you for understanding. #AYI is my viiiiiiiibeeeee. Check it out!! Its EVERYWHERE!! @Mudradviral,” Sheebah captioned her video.
Maybe a Muslim fan did not understand that she was telling her not to open the video and went ahead to watch it. She then commented on her video, branding her indescent and calling her a terrible example to the Muslim society, unlike Rema Namakula.
Naye mama twerking lelo tufudde wayambadde empale? Eyiii Mukama when will you ever be a good example to Islam like Rema,” the fan said.
This was the last straw that broke the camel's back. Sheebah quickly responded to her fan, telling her to appreciate those who were role models to her instead of focusing on those who were not.
Just give her the flowers for being the right role model to you and stop whining about who’re not. Banange, I can’t be liked by everyone and I’m okay with that, Salam Alekum,” Sheebah replied.