Heartbreak is an International cake, everyone will serve and get served as well. The rapture has finally happened between toothless tiny influencer Sheila Gashumba and her Rasta man Rick man. It has ended in tears. Just as Netizens had predicted, Rickman was not the man to keep Sheila Gashumba on a leash. She has still broken free like a wild bull dog and claimed her freedom.
Those many months ago when social media was buzzing with images of Rickman in Sheila Gashumba's bed, Netizens were almost sure the relationship was bound to end as early as it had started. Well it did last longer than many had anticipated that they had finally given up on the wait of the seperation between the pair but Alas, it has come.
The 'I told you sos' are now on every netizen's lips, cutting like a dagger in the heartbreak that has transpired. It all started with the Ruger saga where rumors spread like a wild bush fire about how Sheila had left the concert scene with Ruger in his car headed to his hotel room for a massacre. The evidence was presented and this was the beginning of Rick man loosing interest in Sheila Gashumba.
He tried to hold on, maybe for fear of the criticism that was to follow considering that it was expected for them to break up. Sheila went ahead to rub salt into the wound when she went and followed Ruger all the way to Rwanda where his next concert was slated to occur. How heartbreaking!.
Rickman could nolonger avoid the inevitable as he decided to let Sheila out of his life. What followed was the two unfollowing each other on their social media platforms and Sheila went ahead to delete all the picture memories she had previously taken with Rickman. Netizens perked up, curious about what was happening. Sheila tried the diversion trick on them, saying their relationship was only seeking privacy but they weee still together.
Well the lies are no more as the two have decided to make the entire world know that they are nolonger together and their relationship is not striving. Sadly, it has been a good journey but everything good always comes to an end. This is the end of Sheila and Rickman .