Its has all been up to time to witness Isaac Katende Kasuku once again take an opposite side as he usually does disagreeing with Sheilah on how she isn't viable to spearhead the #stopsocial Mediabullying compaign.
A week back renowned brand influencer Sheilah Gushumba has been battling a depression brought about social media bullying which propelled her to stimulate a compaign dupped "stop social media bullying" .
With no doubt Sheilah's campaign has caught many's attention having a number Artistes including guitarist Irene Ntale side with her to push the campaign further but that doesn't justify everyone is happy with her campaign.
Earlier during an exclusive interview, Kasuku ranted how Sheilah Gushumba had no moral authority to fight socialmedia bullying yet she is a socialmedia bully herself.
Kasuku teleported us back in time when Gushumba dragged innocent Robin kasiti in mud claiming Robin's baby daddy to a bi-sexual, referring her to a cassava street vendor and also insulting Kasiti's dead mother to have been buried like a useless dog infront of her small compound.
With the above presented Kusuka Wazabanga is among the many that believe Sheilah's campaign is for a good cause but shouldn't be advocated
by her because she is a bully herself giving her no moral authority to plead for the campaign.