The famous Television presenter Anatalia Oze has come out to advise everyone in a relationship to keep it off social media if they want to enjoumy the fruits of a wonderful relationship. Anatalia mentions that her relationship has been able to survive 10 years of bliss because of secrecy.
According to Anatalia, her relationship would not have lasted this long if the public knew who her partner was hence she has enjoyed all this period in her relation ship because she doesn't advertise her man.
Anatalia mentions that she warns against social media because it has terrible effects to a relationship since it makes a relationship a suggestion box where everyone can put in a suggestion to try and rule it.
According to Anatalia, she has one of the happiest and most successful relationships simply because she kept it out of the limelight. The consequences of such an act are also existent however because once a relationship is kept secret, it also helps a partner collect other lovers in secret as well.
Anatalia also hinted that there is soon bound to be a wedding. She mentioned that she was meant to tie the knot with her mystery man in 2020 only for Covid to spoil her plans but the plans have begun again and are underway so soon, she is walking down the aisle.
Surely everything has pros and cons, but for Anatalia, keeping her relationship off social media has done wonders for her.